
“Woohoo! I just found out I’m pregnant! Is it too early to book my session with you?”

I always encourage my clients to contact me as soon as they find out they are pregnant so we can get the process started! I only take a limited amount of newborn clients per month, so the sooner you contact me, the better! Once you’ve chosen which newborn package you’d like, I will send over a formal proposal of services and contract for you to review and sign. Once the contract is signed you can pay the deposit right from your computer.


“I love your work, and would love to do a newborn session with you, but I don’t have the cash right now. Do you offer payment plans?”

Yes! Photography is an investment for your family and I understand that it may be difficult to pay a large lump sum for your newborn session. That is why I offer payment plans to all my clients through Square Installments, or through weekly automatic withdrawals up until the date of the session. I do my best to customize the payment plan to each client’s needs and circumstances.


“Okay, we’ve signed the contract, paid our deposit, and now we’re waiting on baby. What do we do next!?”

I have my clients send me a message (with pictures, of course!) when baby makes their earth side debut. I like to schedule the newborn session when baby is between 5-18 days old, but I know life happens and we may not always hit that window. Don’t worry! Older babies are more wakeful, but they also sleep most of the day, so we’ll get the sweet, sleepy shots even if they are older.


“Do I need to buy or bring my own outfits and props to the newborn session?”

The only thing you need to bring to your session is your baby! I have an extensive collection of newborn props, headbands, hats, bonnets, wraps, buckets, baskets, backdrops - basically anything you would need to photograph a newborn! I do all the styling for your session in advance based on your color preferences and design multiple set-ups for each session. If there are special keepsake items that you would like to incorporate into your session, please let me know when you fill out your questionnaire, and I will be sure to incorporate them into your session.